Saturday, December 11, 2010

How to Create Addin

Creating Add-ins in Excel

After much analysis I created my own steps to Create Excel Addin 

Follow the below basic steps to create Addin

  1. Always use Workbook or Activeworkbook – don’t use Thisworkbook in coding
  2. The Final Addin Should not have any sheets like – Raw file or data sheet
  3. Have a blank Sheet and all the coding should refer to Workbook Object or Activeworkbook method
  4. The Main Subroutine should be Public Sub Sub_name
  5. All Functions should be Public Function FnName
  6. All the modules should have specific names- select the module in Project Explorer View & Press F4 (properties) now enter a specific name for the module
  7. Now select the VBA Project in Project Explorer view & Press F4 (Properties) and enter a specific name for the project. This step is required because if you leave the default name for the project it would be named as "VBAProject" and MS Excel would not allow you to enter duplicate addins with same name - "VBAProject"
  8. You can use Public variables in Add-ins
  9. Now save the file as .XLA (2003 version) or .xlam (2007 version) [ Note you can save the file in any location - just remember where you have saved the addin file)
  10. Now your Addin has been created

So now the addin has been created, how to include the same in your project -

Now goto the main Excel file where you have to include the addin and goto the Visual Basic Editor (press Alt-F11)
Go to Tools > References > Click on Browse and select the required .xla or .xlam file

At this stage if you are getting any errors the below are the possible reasons -
  • The Function Name or Module name or Project name or Sub routine name or Variable name would have already been there in the current module as well. Check for duplicated Sub or Function or Variable name and correct it
  • If the current Excel file already has an Addin and you get an error while including a new Addin the check for the same issues - Function Name, Sub routine Name, Project Name, Variable names etc
Now that you have included the Addin, how to make it working -

In the current Excel sheet - goto the Visual Basic Window and double click on "ThisWorkbook" and enter the below code -

Option Explicit

Dim cControl As CommandBarButton

Private Sub Workbook_AddinInstall()
On Error Resume Next
Call AddMenus
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_AddinUninstall()
On Error Resume Next 'In case it has already gone.
Call DeleteMenu
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

Sub AddMenus()
Dim cMenu1 As CommandBarControl
Dim cbMainMenuBar As CommandBar
Dim iHelpMenu As Integer
Dim cbcCutomMenu As CommandBarControl

'=========  use the below code to create Addin Drop down button 
    '(1)Delete any existing one. We must use On Error Resume next _
    'in case it does not exist.

        On Error Resume Next
        Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls("&Drop down Name").Delete

    '(2)Set a CommandBar variable to the worksheet menu bar
        Set cbMainMenuBar = _
            Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar")

    '(3)Return the index number of the Help menu. We can then use _
        this to place a custom menu before it.
        iHelpMenu = _

    '(4)Add a control to the "Worksheet Menu Bar" before Help.
    'Set a CommandBarControl variable to it

        Set cbcCutomMenu = _
            cbMainMenuBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, _

    '(5)Give the control a caption
      cbcCutomMenu.Caption = "&Drop down Name"

    '(6)Working with our new control, add a sub control and _
    '  give it a caption and tell it which macro to run (OnAction).

        With cbcCutomMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            .Caption = "DD List 1"
            .OnAction = "DD list1_macro"  ''' this macro name should be the same in the addin
        End With

    '(6a)Add another sub control and give it a caption _
      'and tell it which macro to run (OnAction)

        With cbcCutomMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            .Caption = "DD List 2"
            .OnAction = "DD List2_macro"  ''' this macro name should be the same in the Addin
        End With

    'Repeat step "6a" for each menu item you want to add.
    'Add another menu that will lead off to another menu
    'Set a CommandBarControl variable to it

'======== use the below code just to create just one addin button
    ' Set cbcCutomMenu = cbcCutomMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
    ' Give the control a caption
    ' cbcCutomMenu.Caption = "Ne&xt Menu"

    'Add a control to the sub menu just created above
    '    With cbcCutomMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    '        .Caption = "&Charts"
    '        .FaceId = 420
    '        .OnAction = "MyMacro2"
    '    End With
  On Error GoTo 0

End Sub

Sub DeleteMenu()

   On Error Resume Next
        Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls("&Drop down Name").Delete
        Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls("DD List 1").Delete
        Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls("DD List 2").Delete
   On Error GoTo 0

End Sub

Now that the code is ready how to execute it !!

Create a Console Sheet and Add Two Command Buttons-

1st Button - Name "Delete Addin" - Call the macro "DeleteMenu()"
2nd Button - Name "Include Addin" - Call the macro "AddMenus()"

Procedure to use the Addin

When you first click on Include Addin Button, Excel would create a Drop down / buttons in Addin Tab
When you click on Delete Addin Button, Excel would remove the Drop down / buttons in Addin Tab

So that you have created Addin, Include the Addin, and created buttons in Addin  - how to execute the Addin 

Its just simple now, you just got to click on the buttons created in the Addin Tab to run the appropriate macro

Voila… it works !!!

Customized Mail Merge - Excel VBA

Excel Macro - Mail Merge
Ever wondered how to send multiple attachments to a set of 'To' list and 'CC' list with different Mail body text !!
Well here is the solution to send email attachments with customized To, CC  & Mail Body text
Open an Excel Sheet and enter the Attachment details in Col B [path and file name]; To list in Col C [if there are multiple email ids then separate them with Semi-Colon ';'] ; Mail Body contents in Col D

The line which says .send if activated, all mails would be sent automatically.

Function Email_Attachment()

Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim olMail As MailItem
Dim WBMl As Workbook

Set WBMl = ActiveWorkbook
R = WBMl.Sheets(1).Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row
S = WBMl.Sheets(1).Range("B1").End(xlDown).Row

For a = S To R
    Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set olMail = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
    With olMail
        .To = Cells(a, 3).Text
        .CC = Cells(a, 4).Text
        '.SentOnBehalfOfName = """xyz"" "
        .Subject = "Resources"
        .Body = Cells(a, 5).Text
        .Attachments.Add Cells(a, 2).Text
        ' un-comment the below option to send mails automatically
        ' the below option is give so that the mails are draft mode.
    End With
    Set olMail = Nothing
    Set olApp = Nothing
Next a
End Function

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Error Handling - Find Method

How to handle an error when the value which you are searching is not available in Excel sheet.

Sub Err_Hnd()

Dim M_Rng as Range
Sheets("My Sheet").Select
On Error Resume Next
Set M_Rng = Sheets("My Sheet").Columns(1).Find(What:=Test_PID, after:=Cells(1, 1), LookIn:=xlValues,
                    LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
                    searchdirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False)
On Error GoTo 0

If M_Rng Is Nothing Then GoTo Err_H:
'''' if M_Rng has returned any value then your code execution starts from here
           '''' based on the error what has to be done
           ''' exit sub
End Sub

Below are the Error Handler Options in Excel VBA-
  • On Error GoTo
    Enables the error-handling routine that starts at , which is any line label or line number. The specified line must be in the same procedure as the On Error statement.
  • On Error Resume Next
    Specifies that when a run-time error occurs, control goes to the statement immediately following the statement where the error occurred. In other words, execution continues.
  • On Error GoTo 0
    Disables any enabled error handler in the current procedure.
In the above example what we are doing is allowing the execution of the macro to proceed if an error occurs (i.e, using the On Error Resume Next )
Subsequently we are disabled the error handler using On Error GoTo  0
Now we are checking the Range variable if it contains Nothing, if yes then we take the code execution to the error handler label, otherwise the execution proceeds as usual.

Using Find Method in Code

Sometimes in Excel Macro coding, when you are required to find any specific cell value and execute the list of codes. It becomes extremely time taking when you loop through all cells in the excel column.The simple solution is to use the Find method in Excel Code.

Set rFound_Cell=Columns(2).Find(What:="$$", after:=Cells(1,1), LookIn:=xlValues, _
    LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
    searchdirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False)


What if there are multiple matching cells and you got to loop through each time the match occurs -
Use the Countif Function to establish the number of occurrence of string or value in the sheet and then loop it.

Dim rFound_Cell As Range
Set rFound_Cell = Range("B1")
For i = 1 To WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Columns(2), "($$$)")

      Set rFound_Cell = Columns(2).Find(What:="($$$)", after:=rFound_Cell, LookIn:=xlValues, _
                                    LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
                                    searchdirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False)
      SRow = rFound_Cell.Row

Next i

How to Speed-up the macro execution

Sub Main_Prg()
Speedup_Macro True
'''' Your Code
'''end of code
Speedup_Macro False
End Sub

Function Speedup_Macro(Chk As Boolean)
If Chk = True Then
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
    Application.StatusBar = "Macro is working....pls wait "
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
    Application.StatusBar = ""
End If
End Function

Description -

The default value is True. Set this property to False if you don't want to be disturbed by prompts and alert messages while a macro is running; any time a message requires a response, Microsoft Excel chooses the default response.
When using the SaveAs method for workbooks to overwrite an existing file, the 'Overwrite' alert has a default of 'No', while the 'Yes' response is selected by Excel when the DisplayAlerts property is set equal to False.

Turn screen updating off to speed up your macro code. You won't be able to see what the macro is doing, but it will run faster.
Remember to set the ScreenUpdating property back to True when your macro ends.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Procedure to reduce the size of Excel files

Just wondering how to reduce the size of Excel files, frustrated with ever increasing excel file size without any idea, tried creating new copies still of no use. Well even I was a victim of this ever increasing file size in excel. After a lot of trial and error method and some technical analysis, I tried to put the steps in order so that it would be helpful for everyone.

Follow the below steps to reduce the size of excel files -

  1. Before starting the procedure take a backup of the file
  2. Unhide all sheets
  3. Select all unused / blank columns and go to Edit>Clear>All
  4. Select all unused / blank rows and go to Edit>Clear>All
  5. Repeat the steps 2 & 3 for all the sheets
  6. Save the file and close it and now check the file size, it would have reduce considerably.

The above steps work, believe me I have tested the same and after following the steps the file size reduced from 90 MB straight down to 5 MB !!!

Also some excel sheets would have a very small scroll bar irrespective of the contents of the sheet

Steps to correct the scrollbar issue

Find the last used row and then select all the cells below this till end of the column
Select Edit > Delete and select Entire Row
Now Save the excel file and then reopen it
Now the scrollbar would turn out to be of normal length

Hope this works and the file size would be reduced thereby saving time to open the file and also save the disk space.

Thanks for reading this article J

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Excel Functions Library

Excel Functions Library

Good Website to understand basics of Excel Macro - 2

Autofilter error - Autofilter Method of Range class failed

How to handle error in AutoFilter Method while using Excel Macros -
Error - "autofilter method of range class failed"

Reasons -
because the rows might be blank
It's caused because your data is not laid out for AutoFilter. To use AutoFilter the data has to be in a table layout with a Header, with no empty rows or columns.

select the complete range of values and then do selection.autofilter

How to Subtract the given no.of days from today

Sub Sub_dates()

x = InputBox("Enter the no.of days to be subtracted from today's date")
y = DateAdd("d", -x, Now)
z = Mid(y, 1, InStr(1, y, " ") - 1)

MsgBox z
End Sub

How to rename file in a directory

Sub rename_file()

Dim OldName, NewName
ro1 = Selection.End(xlUp).Row

For i = 2 To ro1
    OldName = Cells(i, 1).Value '"D:\Documents and Settings\XXXXXX\Devlopment\2010-3-30\chr0101.591"
    NewName = OldName & ".csv" ' Define file names.
    Name OldName As NewName ' Rename file.

Next i
MsgBox "Its done !!"

End Sub

Function SearchFile()

Set fs = Application.FileSearch
With fs
'‘this code automatically searches for files in desktop – Source File folder
    .LookIn = Environ("userprofile") & Application.PathSeparator & "Desktop" & Application.PathSeparator & "Source File" & Application.PathSeparator
    .FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles
    If .Execute > 0 Then
        For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
             Range("A" & (i + 1)).Value = .FoundFiles(i)
        Next i
        'MsgBox "There were no Binder files found."
    End If
End With
End Function

Function clearfilepath()

End Function

Good Website to understand basics of Excel Macro

I just came across this website and seems to be really good to understand macro from basics.

Draw border lines around cells with common values

How to draw borders around cells with common values

Sub Draw_border_for_common_items_in_row()

Sheets("Top CTDs").Select
LC1 = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column
LR1 = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row

For i = 1 To LC1
temp = Cells(2, i).Value
ro = 2
    For j = 2 To LR1
        If Cells(j, i).Value <> temp Then
            Range(Cells(ro, i), Cells(j - 1, i)).Select
            Selection.BorderAround Weight:=xlThin
            ro = j
            temp = Cells(j, i).Value
        End If
    Next j
Next i

End Sub

Collating the CMS Avaya Raw Dump into consolidated raw data

Sub test()
Dim myDir As String, fn As String
myDir = "W:\XXXXXXXXXX\2010\Raw dump - avaya script\"
fn = Dir(myDir & "*.xls")
Do While fn <> ""
    If fn <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
        With Workbooks.Open(myDir & fn)
            With .Sheets(1).Range("A1:IV200")
                ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)(4) _
                .Resize(.Rows.Count, .Columns.Count).Value = .Value
            End With
            .Close False
        End With
    End If
    fn = Dir
Selection.Delete shift:=xlUp
End Sub

How to edit CMS Avaya Script

Open the required CMS Avaya Script and Save the Script and then do the below modifications -
comment the line
and add the below line
b=Rep.Exportdata("\\path\Raw dump - avaya script\255.xls",9,0,false,true,true) 
also if you wanna make the script more dynamic then add the below lines 
Date1 = Inputbox ("Please enter the Start date of the reports you wish to see in the format mm/dd/yyyy") 
Time1 = Inputbox ("Please enter the Start Time of the reports you wish to see in the format hh:mm") 
Date2 = Inputbox ("Please enter the END date of the reports you wish to see in the format mm/dd/yyyy") 
Time2 = Inputbox ("Please enter the END Time of the reports you wish to see in the format hh:mm") 

and now modify the Rep property section as shown below -
Rep.SetProperty "Splits/Skills","255" 'Skill number
Rep.SetProperty "Start Date",Date1 '-1 - Yday
Rep.SetProperty "Start Time",Time1 '"14:30"  - start time
Rep.SetProperty "Stop Date",Date2 '0 -today
Rep.SetProperty "Stop Time",Time2 '04:00 - end time

Finding the last row or column

How to find the last row or last column in any excel sheet

LR = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
LC = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column


LR= range("A65536").end(xlup).row

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Excel Macro Man: How to rename file in a directory

Excel Macro

Sub rename_file()

Dim OldName, NewName
ro1 = Selection.End(xlUp).Row

For i = 2 To ro1
    OldName = Cells(i, 1).Value '"D:\Documents and Settings\xxxx\Desktop\2010-3-30\chr0101.591"
    NewName = OldName & ".csv" ' Define file names.
    Name OldName As NewName ' Rename file.

Next i
MsgBox "Its done !!"

End Sub

Function SearchFile()

Set fs = Application.FileSearch
With fs
'‘this code automatically searches for files in desktop – Source File folder
    .LookIn = Environ("userprofile") & Application.PathSeparator & "Desktop" & Application.PathSeparator & "Source File" & Application.PathSeparator
    .FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles
    If .Execute > 0 Then
        For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
             Range("A" & (i + 1)).Value = .FoundFiles(i)
        Next i
        'MsgBox "There were no Binder files found."
    End If
End With
End Function

Function clearfilepath()

End Function

Subtract the given no.of days from today

Enter the no.of days to be subtracted from today

for eg:- if Now returns 3rd April 2010
and you enter 3 ... then it would return 31st March 2010

Sub Sub_dates()

x = InputBox("Enter the no.of days to be subtracted frm today")
y = DateAdd("d", -x, Now)
z = Mid(y, 1, InStr(1, y, " ") - 1)

MsgBox z
End Sub

Saturday, April 3, 2010

How to rename file in a directory

Sub rename_file()

Dim OldName, NewName
ro1 = Selection.End(xlUp).Row

For i = 2 To ro1
    OldName = Cells(i, 1).Value '"D:\Documents and Settings\xxxxxxxxx\Desktop\2010-3-30\chr0101.591"
    NewName = OldName & ".csv" ' Define file names.
    Name OldName As NewName ' Rename file.

Next i
MsgBox "Its done !!"

End Sub

Function SearchFile()

Set fs = Application.FileSearch
With fs
'‘this code automatically searches for files in desktop – Source File folder
    .LookIn = Environ("userprofile") & Application.PathSeparator & "Desktop" & Application.PathSeparator & "Source File" & Application.PathSeparator
    .FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles
    If .Execute > 0 Then
        For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
             Range("A" & (i + 1)).Value = .FoundFiles(i)
        Next i
        'MsgBox "There were no Binder files found."
    End If
End With
End Function

Function clearfilepath()

End Function

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Draw Border for the common cell values

Sub Draw_border_for_common_items_in_row()

LC1 = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column
LR1 = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row

For i = 1 To LC1
temp = Cells(2, i).Value
ro = 2
    For j = 2 To LR1
        If Cells(j, i).Value <> temp Then
            Range(Cells(ro, i), Cells(j - 1, i)).Select
            Selection.BorderAround Weight:=xlThin
            ro = j
            temp = Cells(j, i).Value           
        End If       
    Next j
Next i

End Sub

How to Sum the Visible cells data from the filtered range

Here is the solution to sum the visible cells data from the given range ... :-)

Function Sum_Visible_Cells(ByRef Cells_To_Sum As String)

Sum_Visible_Cells = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Selection)

End Function

How to clean the leading or trailing cell spaces in a given range

Using this function you can now clean the leading or trailing spaces in the cell range

Function Clean_cells_in_range(ByRef Cells_to_Clean As String)

    For Each cell In ActiveSheet.Cells.Range(Cells_to_Clean)
        cell.Value = Trim(cell)
    Next cell

End Function

Subtract the given no.of days from today

There might be some instances where you would require to subtract the give number of days from today.... so here is the solution.

No need to worry about the month rollback or year rollback... excel would take care of this automatically

Function Subtract_Date_from_Today(ByRef noofdays As Integer)
    result = Now() - noofdays
    Dt = Day(result)
    Mo = Month(result)
    Yr = Right(Year(result), 2)
    If Len(Mo) = 1 Then Mo = "0" & Mo
    If Len(Dt) = 1 Then Dt = "0" & Dt
    Subtract_Date_from_Today = Mo & Dt & Yr
End Function

How to compare dates in Excel Macro

Well this is quite simple.... if you have a cell value as 3/28/10 (m/dd/yy)... which is 3rd March 2010 and you need to compare this with the data 28/03/2010 ... which is in dd/mm/yyyy format

All you need to do is to convert the data in the required format to match

compare_Dt = Format(DateSerial(Yr, Mo, Dt), "mm/dd/yyyy")

For j = rng1 to rng2
      Source= Format(Cells(3, j).Value, "mm/dd/yyyy")
      If Source = compare_Dt Then
         your code when the date matches
         Exit For
     End If

How to convert Column Number to Name

Using the below function you can now convert the column number to name
...for eg.. if the col no is 26 then this function would return "Z" as column name

Function Convert_Column()
    Dim MyColumn As String, Here As String

    ' Get the address of the active cell in the current selection
    Here = ActiveCell.Address

    ' Because .Address is $$, drop the first
    ' character and the characters after the column letter(s).
    Convert_Column = Mid(Here, InStr(Here, "$") + 1, InStr(2, Here, "$") - 2)
End Function

How to find the last column

When the usedrange method doesn't work.... try the below method...

Function FindLastColumn()
  Dim LastColumn As Integer
  If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Cells) > 0 Then
    'Search for any entry, by searching backwards by Columns.
    LastColumn = Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=[A1], _
                            SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _
    FindLastColumn = LastColumn
  End If
End Function

How to count the number of rows in the filtered data

This Function would return the no.of rows from the Auto filter data

Function CountVisRows()
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = ActiveSheet.AutoFilter.Range

CountVisRows = rng.Columns(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count - 1

End Function

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Convert Minutes to HH:MM format

Convert Mins to HH:MM format
Would give the required output.. just format the cell to HH:MM
1440 = 24hrs * 60 mins

Stop the screen flicker while running the macros

Insert this code at the beginning of the code

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
your Code
The below code goes as the last line
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

How to enable Autofill handle in Excel

When i click on a cell there is no autofill handle....

Goto Menu - Tools, Options, Edit
Check the "Allow cell drag and drop" box 

Changing Case of a Text

Lets see how to change the case of the text

In Excel - formula is 
Upper(A1)  this would convert the text in A1 cell to Uppercase
Lower(A1) this would convert the text in A1 cell to Lowercase

If the same has to be implemented in Excel macro the coding goes like this

Varnamet = UCase(the cell or value)

Some tips for using IF condition

Here are some tips for using IF Condition in Excel

For not equal condition use
If (condition A <> 0, "Yes","No")

using multiple conditions using IF
If(And(Condition A <>0, condition B>1000), "Yes", "No") both the conditions should be met for YES.... the number should not be equal to '0' and also it should be greater than 1000

If (or(condition A <> 0, condition B >1000),"Yes","No")

Here ... if.. either of the condition is met then it would give "Yes" else  "No"

How to work with protected excel workbook

If you have protected your workbook with a password and it also has a macro in it... you got to use the below codes

.... at the beginning of your program
ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="Password1234$$"
your coding goes here
.... at the end of your program
ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="Password1234$$"

Create a time delay in Excel macro code

If you want to delay the execution of the program by 30 seconds.. .then add the below code to your macro

Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("0:00:30")
likewise if you would like to delay the process by 90 seconds... then
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("0:01:30") 
Have a great day :-)