Saturday, June 26, 2010

How to edit CMS Avaya Script

Open the required CMS Avaya Script and Save the Script and then do the below modifications -
comment the line
and add the below line
b=Rep.Exportdata("\\path\Raw dump - avaya script\255.xls",9,0,false,true,true) 
also if you wanna make the script more dynamic then add the below lines 
Date1 = Inputbox ("Please enter the Start date of the reports you wish to see in the format mm/dd/yyyy") 
Time1 = Inputbox ("Please enter the Start Time of the reports you wish to see in the format hh:mm") 
Date2 = Inputbox ("Please enter the END date of the reports you wish to see in the format mm/dd/yyyy") 
Time2 = Inputbox ("Please enter the END Time of the reports you wish to see in the format hh:mm") 

and now modify the Rep property section as shown below -
Rep.SetProperty "Splits/Skills","255" 'Skill number
Rep.SetProperty "Start Date",Date1 '-1 - Yday
Rep.SetProperty "Start Time",Time1 '"14:30"  - start time
Rep.SetProperty "Stop Date",Date2 '0 -today
Rep.SetProperty "Stop Time",Time2 '04:00 - end time

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