Saturday, June 26, 2010
Good Website to understand basics of Excel Macro - 2
Autofilter error - Autofilter Method of Range class failed
How to handle error in AutoFilter Method while using Excel Macros -
Error - "autofilter method of range class failed"
Reasons -
because the rows might be blank
It's caused because your data is not laid out for AutoFilter. To use AutoFilter the data has to be in a table layout with a Header, with no empty rows or columns.
select the complete range of values and then do selection.autofilter
How to Subtract the given no.of days from today
Sub Sub_dates()
x = InputBox("Enter the no.of days to be subtracted from today's date")
y = DateAdd("d", -x, Now)
z = Mid(y, 1, InStr(1, y, " ") - 1)
MsgBox z
End Sub
x = InputBox("Enter the no.of days to be subtracted from today's date")
y = DateAdd("d", -x, Now)
z = Mid(y, 1, InStr(1, y, " ") - 1)
MsgBox z
End Sub
How to rename file in a directory
Sub rename_file()
Dim OldName, NewName
ro1 = Selection.End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To ro1
OldName = Cells(i, 1).Value '"D:\Documents and Settings\XXXXXX\Devlopment\2010-3-30\chr0101.591"
NewName = OldName & ".csv" ' Define file names.
Name OldName As NewName ' Rename file.
Next i
MsgBox "Its done !!"
End Sub
Function SearchFile()
Set fs = Application.FileSearch
With fs
'‘this code automatically searches for files in desktop – Source File folder
.LookIn = Environ("userprofile") & Application.PathSeparator & "Desktop" & Application.PathSeparator & "Source File" & Application.PathSeparator
.FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles
If .Execute > 0 Then
For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
Range("A" & (i + 1)).Value = .FoundFiles(i)
Next i
'MsgBox "There were no Binder files found."
End If
End With
End Function
Function clearfilepath()
End Function
Good Website to understand basics of Excel Macro
I just came across this website and seems to be really good to understand macro from basics.
Draw border lines around cells with common values
How to draw borders around cells with common values
Sub Draw_border_for_common_items_in_row()
Sheets("Top CTDs").Select
LC1 = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column
LR1 = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
For i = 1 To LC1
temp = Cells(2, i).Value
ro = 2
For j = 2 To LR1
If Cells(j, i).Value <> temp Then
Range(Cells(ro, i), Cells(j - 1, i)).Select
Selection.BorderAround Weight:=xlThin
ro = j
temp = Cells(j, i).Value
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub
Collating the CMS Avaya Raw Dump into consolidated raw data
Sub test() Dim myDir As String, fn As String myDir = "W:\XXXXXXXXXX\2010\Raw dump - avaya script\" fn = Dir(myDir & "*.xls") Do While fn <> "" If fn <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then With Workbooks.Open(myDir & fn) With .Sheets(1).Range("A1:IV200") ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)(4) _ .Resize(.Rows.Count, .Columns.Count).Value = .Value End With .Close False End With End If fn = Dir Loop Rows("1:3").Select Selection.Delete shift:=xlUp Range("a1").Select End Sub
How to edit CMS Avaya Script
Open the required CMS Avaya Script and Save the Script and then do the below modifications -
comment the line
and add the below line
b=Rep.Exportdata("\\path\Raw dump - avaya script\255.xls",9,0,false,true,true)
also if you wanna make the script more dynamic then add the below lines
Date1 = Inputbox ("Please enter the Start date of the reports you wish to see in the format mm/dd/yyyy")
Time1 = Inputbox ("Please enter the Start Time of the reports you wish to see in the format hh:mm")
Date2 = Inputbox ("Please enter the END date of the reports you wish to see in the format mm/dd/yyyy")
Time2 = Inputbox ("Please enter the END Time of the reports you wish to see in the format hh:mm")
and now modify the Rep property section as shown below -
Rep.SetProperty "Splits/Skills","255" 'Skill number
Rep.SetProperty "Start Date",Date1 '-1 - Yday
Rep.SetProperty "Start Time",Time1 '"14:30" - start time
Rep.SetProperty "Stop Date",Date2 '0 -today
Rep.SetProperty "Stop Time",Time2 '04:00 - end time
Finding the last row or column
How to find the last row or last column in any excel sheet
LR = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
LC = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column
LR= range("A65536").end(xlup).row
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